Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Research--Inheritance Tax
Today I researched inheritance tax. There was kind of a little fiasco in 2010 with the inheritance tax rates, which might play where nicely into the plot. The research was a little interesting but also a bit dry, too. And, there are many things I don't understand about the taxes, but perhaps won't need to know much more and won't have to go into it any more deeply.

There is still more research to do on this and many more items on the short list of research...

I didn't write yesterday (or put effort towards writing), but instead worked on getting a nanny for my two-week return to work. I had a moment when I thought...hey, I could just do that for a while. But, I have to question, would I be happy doing that, am I thinking about this because it is realistic, or because I'm scared, or because I hit a bump when I realized that the amount of research needed was a lot?

Monday, March 21, 2011


Late last week, I started the following sketches and placed them in their tabbed sections:
  • character sketches for the two main characters (who are a couple)
  • general setting sketch
  • character-setting sketch, which is specific to the characters (e.g., their house)
  • general plot sketch (which is full of question marks!)
I'm considering whether it might be helpful to do a character sketch of either the house or the land, because I expect these elements to be catalysts at least at some points in the story.

The sketches, although rudimentary, brought up questions about the characters' background, the land, the history of their house, why they are where they are, etc., etc., etc. There are also questions about who lives around them and who those people are, the industry in the area and how that plays into my characters' lives, the jobs the characters have and the types of companies they work for, etc., etc., etc. And that is just the start. There are many more questions about what happens and how things will play out and re-solidify at the end. The list of questions seems like it could be endless.

Preparing to Research
Today, I started a list of research topics and items for myself. There seems to be so much that I don't know, even though I'm writing about a setting and characters that don't seem too far out of my experience and observation--well, perhaps the setting is further than I thought. I plan to start research on the computer, but can also think of a few people that I might be able to interview. I'm sort of looking forward to spending some time on the computer, perhaps because it seems like a safe, familiar haven where there will be information and answers instead of endless questions.

It is my strategy to do somewhat light work on the questions and research, so it doesn't bog down too much. I can go back later for more, in depth research, and I'm sure I will run into questions while writing and even while doing other research. Also, it seems like a good idea to let the act of writing explore some of the questions and point to the answers.

Oh, and my boss has set out the carrot to see if I can be tempted to stay and work a little more. There are some things in favor of this, but ultimately I think I know deep down that working even part-time means that I won't get any, or hardly any, writing done. However, I would still have the time with the kids. At the least, though, I want to see things wrapped up a bit before I (hopefully) finagle a year leave.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Starting (2)

I spoke to my boss quite frankly yesterday afternoon that I was considering not returning, or going part-time. There was little interest in part-time on their side and not much on mine to be truthful, but I might be able to take a year of unpaid leave. This would buy some time and perhaps give me a little help in returning if that becomes a helpful option. For now, I will plan to return to work the day I am due back after FMLA leave to give an official two weeks notice or to initiate the leave, and to help finish up some things before taking off.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I guess I am starting although there are still organizational tasks to be done...

Jumping Off (Or, Leaning over the Edge?)
My husband and I found a smidge more padding in the budget through reconsidering how much we are setting aside for retirement and also due to his performance raise. This makes me feel better about the venture. However, I just spent most of my hard-saved savings on fixing the family car. Alas, money comes and then it goes. I started discontinuing conveniences like house-cleaning service.

Besides speaking to my dreamer and doer friend, I recently spoke to my Mom, who is one of the most pragmatic, truthful, and work-ethic oriented people I know. I suspected that she would say that my ideas were crazy-talk, although I hoped that she wouldn't, and in fact she didn't. Instead, she encouraged me to spend a little time, each day, writing. :)

The Story Folder
I spent the time today while my eldest was in school to start writing character sketches. Over nap time and according to some ideas in From First Draft to Finished Novel, I put together a folder for the story concept I've been thinking about. It is a nifty plastic folder from Rite Aid that has six dividers with tabs that came with tab labels and a contents label. I think I spent a few bucks each on two folders like this sometime in 2009. I made the following tabs:
  • Characters (2 tabs)
  • Setting (2)
  • Plot (2)
  • Research and Notes (1) (This is actually the same tab as the last Plot but uses the space between the last divider and the back of the folder.)
I taped the contents label to the front of the folder and wrote "The Year of Soup©" on it as a working title since I haven't solidified the title yet.

I also started setting sketches during nap time and placed all sketches in front of their tabs with a writing tablet and pen in the Research and Notes tab. I found, somewhat fortuitously, some forgotten notes and free-writing that I had done more or less for the same story idea about a year and a half ago. I put them in the Research and Notes tab, too.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Getting Organized

Today my eldest son started pre-school. I dropped him off and left quietly after watching from a distance to see that he wasn't totally freaking out. He wouldn't let go of Bear, but eventually started talking to the teacher and after circle time joined in the crafts. I think he will be OK. I, however, will have to come up to speed on being a teacher's aid for next month and participating on a committee and fundraiser before the school year ends. Maybe Dad can help out!

I have attempted a start to a story idea that I had been rolling around in my mind since last year. The free writing has already brought up multiple questions about the two characters that move to a very different environment than they have previously known.
  • Why are they in their new setting?
  • What possessed them to go there and why did they think it was a realistic or positive choice? (Of course, I'm going to use this new setting to provide external conflicts!)
  • Does this reflect on characteristics that they will grow past, or not really?
  • Who are these people and how do they see and feel about each other and themselves, and how will that change?
I also started reading From First Draft to Finished Novel by Karen S. Wiesner. I decided it may be more realistic to think of my start not as the opening chapter of a novel, but rather as a free write to explore the two main characters and immediate setting. I like Wiesner's structured approach and feel that I will have to somehow work parallel processes for structured work and creative work. This effort will probably split my mind uncomfortably in half.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Year of Soup: The Beginning

This blog, The Year of Soup©, is about my venture to adjust my work and family life to quit or reduce my work hours in the corporate world and my sons' hours at daycare, and begin creative writing while spending more time with my children. I also plan to use the blog as a record and for critical thinking about my writing process and about the story.

It had been my idea--dream--to take some time off from work and career and write fiction or creative non-fiction. It sounds like a pipe dream even to me...and a dream that so many people share. The things in my favor? 1. I just had a baby so I'm ready to take some time away. 2. I'm already a writer although I write technical documents. I earned a BA in writing before returning for technical communication. 3. My husband supports this experiment (investment?).

The money is probably the first hurdle. I worked up a budget with all our bills and standard and "extra" expenditures in Excel, with high and low amounts from 2010. I included a cost-cutting column and figured what we could cut and how much it will save us. With me at home, supposedly with support from hubby, we will cut house-cleaning services and daycare with the exception of cooperative preschool for our oldest son (i.e., we supply some of the supervision and administrative support at the school, splitting the effort with other parents). We will limit eating out quite a bit and forgo many of the fancy foods we like to get at the market. We will cut phone services and remove a car from our insurance (and hopefully sell the clunker). We will adjust our homeowner's insurance. We will pay off a credit card with our tax return. We will put a freeze on most spending.

I mined some ideas from a friend who cut her household budget sharply last year in an effort to send her to college without loans. I asked her if they "got out" of Christmas last year. She said they did, but that certain family members didn't take it very well. They rolled their charity spending into Christmas gifts but not everyone appreciated this expenditure in their name. Her advice was to set expectations early in the year. I've considered writing family members to tell them we are taking a break from spending this year (and maybe for good) and to not buy anything for us (but cringe to think of the response I might get). My friend also brought up that they like to use a couch-surfers group for travel and several ideas to make good living cheaper (like streaming a yoga class instead of attending a live one). Another thing that she didn't mention, but I know they did last year, was to simplify their diets and habits.

Time (more to come...)
I expect that time will be the second hurdle.