Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I guess I am starting although there are still organizational tasks to be done...

Jumping Off (Or, Leaning over the Edge?)
My husband and I found a smidge more padding in the budget through reconsidering how much we are setting aside for retirement and also due to his performance raise. This makes me feel better about the venture. However, I just spent most of my hard-saved savings on fixing the family car. Alas, money comes and then it goes. I started discontinuing conveniences like house-cleaning service.

Besides speaking to my dreamer and doer friend, I recently spoke to my Mom, who is one of the most pragmatic, truthful, and work-ethic oriented people I know. I suspected that she would say that my ideas were crazy-talk, although I hoped that she wouldn't, and in fact she didn't. Instead, she encouraged me to spend a little time, each day, writing. :)

The Story Folder
I spent the time today while my eldest was in school to start writing character sketches. Over nap time and according to some ideas in From First Draft to Finished Novel, I put together a folder for the story concept I've been thinking about. It is a nifty plastic folder from Rite Aid that has six dividers with tabs that came with tab labels and a contents label. I think I spent a few bucks each on two folders like this sometime in 2009. I made the following tabs:
  • Characters (2 tabs)
  • Setting (2)
  • Plot (2)
  • Research and Notes (1) (This is actually the same tab as the last Plot but uses the space between the last divider and the back of the folder.)
I taped the contents label to the front of the folder and wrote "The Year of Soup©" on it as a working title since I haven't solidified the title yet.

I also started setting sketches during nap time and placed all sketches in front of their tabs with a writing tablet and pen in the Research and Notes tab. I found, somewhat fortuitously, some forgotten notes and free-writing that I had done more or less for the same story idea about a year and a half ago. I put them in the Research and Notes tab, too.

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